What is the negative beta process HCG in India?

If a women's HCG level is less than 5 mIU/ml is considered as a negative beta process HCG in India, whereas anything above 25 mIU/ml is considered as a positive beta process for pregnancy. If women's HCG level is between 6 and 24 mIU/ml then the fertility experts will consider it as a grey signal and ask a woman to retest her HCG levels to have a confirmed pregnancy.

A negative beta HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in India means that the woman is not pregnant, however, if the test was done too early in the pregnancy before the woman's body has time to produce enough HCG in such cases also you will see negative beta HCG. The reason is that the HCG levels change too frequently in early pregnancy and it is recommended to repeat the HCG blood test within 48 to 72 hours as this helps in identifying the change in hormone level.

What does the term beta HCG mean?

Beta HCG is done for pregnancy testing that involves the detection of HCG in the blood or urine. Both urine and blood tests look for HCG. With the urine pregnancy test, you will be able to only detect whether or not HCG is present, however, blood tests measure the level of HCG in the body.

If your urine test is positive then your expert will ask you to go for a beta HCG, or if you are in the middle of any fertility treatments then also your expert will advise you to go for a beta HCG just before or when your monthly cycle is due. Your expert will advise you to repeat your HCG every 2 to 3 days to evaluate the HCG levels. It has been found if it is slow to rise in HCG levels then it can lead to the risk of miscarriage.

What women need to do when negative beta HCG in India results?

No need to worry as the Indian Surrogate mother clinic has the most reasonable option for your future attempts. You see the negative beta HCG due to changes in your lifestyle, poor ovarian response, recurrent pregnancy loss, implantation failure, etc. We have qualified and experienced fertility experts who diagnose these conditions and accordingly perform your treatment by using the latest and advanced techniques that help in improving the results. The healing processes of the treatment vary from person to person and you decide that you are ready for another course of treatment. If you are ready, then you need to follow the instructions given by your fertility expert to achieve the successful outcome of the procedure.

When does the fertility expert recommend a beta HCG test?

Your fertility expert will suggest the beta HCG test as a follow-up test for urine and it may be done to confirm the pregnancy at an early stage, however, in normal pregnancies the beta HCG is not required.

Generally, the doctors use transvaginal ultrasound to confirm pregnancy rather than the blood test, however, the beta HCG is often used to check the probability of miscarriage or any other complication related to pregnancy.

What should beat HCG levels be in pregnancy?

The following should be the range of beta HCG levels in pregnancy as per the number of weeks listed below and it should refer to your last monthly cycle.

  • A level below 5 mIU/ml is negative beta HCG in India

  • 3 weeks pregnancy: level should be between 5 to 72 mIU/ml

  • 4th week: it should be between 10 to 708 mIU/ml

  • 5th week: between 217 to 8240 mIU/ml

  • 6th week: should be from 152 to 32177 mIU/ml

  • 7th week: ranges between 4049 to 153767 mIU/ml

  • 8th week: should be from 31366 to 149094 mIU/ml

  • 9th week: from 59109 to 135901 mIU/ml

  • 10th week: 44186 to 170409 mIU/ml

  • 12th week of pregnancy: it should be from 27107 to 201165 mIU/ml

  • 14th week: 24302 to 93646 mIU/ml

  • 16th week: 8904 to 55332 mIU/ml

In case, you have high or low levels of hormones it will not indicate that you will have a healthy pregnancy. Your experts are looking for your HCG levels are getting double every 48 to 72 hours from your initial level they have started.

Several factors can affect the total HCG levels such as your body mass index (BMI), severe morning sickness, smoking, etc. You need to know that your HCG levels get increased around 8 to 11 weeks, and then they decrease and can be at the same point for the rest of your pregnancy period.

What happens when beta HCG levels are low?

When your beta HCG levels are lower than expected it means there is a chance of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, etc. Your fertility expert will advise you for another HCG test in few days to check whether your HCG levels are increasing or not.

What happens when beta HCG levels are high?

In case, your beta HCG levels are higher than expected then there are chances of multiple pregnancies or you have an incorrect pregnancy date. In such a situation, your fertility expert will ask you to repeat the beta HCG test that helps them in figuring out what’s going on.


Indian Surrogate mothers -You need to know that HCG levels are just one step for your fertility expert to collect the information about your pregnancy; in some cases, women need not worry about their beta HCG levels. If you have a low level of beta HCG due to pregnancy loss it doesn’t mean that you cannot carry the pregnancy in the future. If you find your urine test result is positive then your expert will not ask you to have a beta HCG test, however, the beta HCG test will provide more detailed information to your fertility expert as compared to a urine test. Your fertility expert may use other ways to evaluate your pregnancy such as ultrasound.

If you are dealing with any of the problems that are stopping you to have a baby, and then contact us and our representative will help you.


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