Gestational Vs traditional – which option is more viable?
Gestational Vs traditional – which option is more viable?
As we all know, infertility issues are raising day by day due to environmental and lifestyle changes which are continuously affecting an individual life. Infertility issues can be easily solved with the help of ART procedures by intended couples to solve their problems and getting pregnant or by getting an alternative solution for their pregnancy like surrogacy. Surrogacy has become the best and final option by intended couples to achieve parenthood. The first thing that comes to the mind of an intended couple is what is surrogacy? And which surrogacy is more viable gestational or traditional?
Let’s gather more information about surrogacy treatment in India. You will get to know about the brief of surrogacy along with its types, gestational Vs traditional surrogacy, how surrogacy has become an ideal option for those intended couples who are trying for pregnancy for a very long period and are unable to get pregnant by trying with basic ART procedures.
What is Surrogacy in India?
Surrogacy treatment in India is an assisted reproductive technique used by intended couples to start and grow their families. Surrogacy treatment helps infertile couples to have their own children. In this treatment method, intended parents work with the surrogate mother by transferring the embryo in her womb and she carries the whole pregnancy of nine months for them. This process is completely legalized and both the parties that are surrogate mother and the intended couple are bonded by a legal contract which demonstrates their roles and guidelines to be followed during the pregnancy. All the guidelines in the contract are discussed properly before signing by both parties.
What are the types of surrogacy in India?
Surrogacy treatment in India has been divided into two types in which the only one of them is approved legally in India. The two distinct types of surrogacy are named Traditional surrogacy and Gestational Surrogacy. However, Gestational surrogacy is legal in India but not traditional. Traditional has been practiced earlier in India but now only gestational surrogacy is practiced as it is completely legal. Because of these reasons, the intended couple coming for surrogacy chose gestational surrogacy as compared to traditional surrogacy. Here is furthermore information described on both the procedures.
Gestational surrogacy in India
Gestational Surrogacy is a type of surrogacy that is practiced mostly and often supported legally in India. In this type of surrogacy, the gametes from both the intended parents are collected and being transferred to the womb of the gestational surrogate that carries the pregnancy for nine months for them. The gametes collected from the intended parent are being fertilized artificially in a lab through IVF techniques. Once the egg is fertilized successfully then it is transferred to the uterus of the surrogate mother for a normal pregnancy. The health of the surrogate mother and the fetus is screened regularly and proper medication is advised to the surrogate mother at the expenses which are liable to the intended couple. After the baby is born then he or she is handed over to the intended parents. The baby delivered through gestational surrogacy is not genetically related to the surrogate mother and she shares no links with the baby in future as well. The baby gets the name of the intended parents legally.
Gestational Surrogacy in India under Indian Surrogate Mothers begins by signing a legal contract between intended parents and the surrogate mother. The legal contract gives a clear picture of the duties and responsibility of the surrogate mother and the intended parents during pregnancy. it demonstrates that the surrogate mother must be taken care of properly during the whole pregnancy till the surrogacy ends and should be provided with proper medications and nutritional care to avoid health complications during pregnancy.
Traditional surrogacy
It is another type of surrogacy that was practiced earlier but now it is not accepted in many countries. Traditional surrogacy is not legalized surrogacy as in this procedure the surrogate mother remains the biological mother of the baby born. In this type of surrogacy, the sperms are collected from the father and are inseminated into the uterus of the surrogate mother and thus the child born relates genetically to the surrogate mother and the intended father. In this intended mother has no role and genetic links with the baby born. Traditional surrogacy is carried by the procedure named Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) which is a basic ART technique used to achieve successful fertilization. The child born shares the genetic relation with the surrogate mother and thus is not considered an ideal option by the intended parents.
Indian Surrogate Mothers provides you with the most viable option of surrogacy that is Gestational Surrogacy in India which is considered an ideal option for the intended couple to fulfil their desire of having their own baby. Surrogacy requires both medical and legal expertise which is also provided by us and the patient doesn’t need to worry about it. we provide the best suited surrogate mother based on the needs and requirements of the intended couple and always satisfy them with the best solutions.
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