How does Surrogate Mother Hire in India?

There are various steps based on that of the Surrogate Mother Hires in India. These are:

1. Screening: The Surrogate Mother Hires in India need to undergo the screening part that contains the following:

  • She should be between the ages of 21 to 40 years.

  • Her body mass index (BMI) should not be more than 30.

  • At least she has given birth to one healthy child.

  • She does not consume any alcohol, smoke, or tobacco.

  • Have no history of previous miscarriages.

  • No criminal background.

  • Should be financially stable.

2. Application Form: In the application form we ask the surrogate mother to fill in her basic information such as her qualification, employment, family history, height, weight, complexion, etc.

3. Medical history: Before the Surrogate Mother Hires in India we do a proper medical check-up that includes some blood tests, ultrasound scans, etc. to ensure the safety of the baby carried by her. Also, we ask the surrogate mothers to submit detailed medical information about their family to check is there any probability of transferring genetic disease to the baby born.

4. A physical check-up: The fertility experts at the Indian surrogate mother's clinic do a proper physical check-up of surrogate mothers to ensure that they are healthy enough for a surrogacy procedure.

5. Home visit: Our coordinator visits the home of the surrogate mother and will take one-o-one interview of each member of the family to check that the surrogate mother has enough support from her family side to be a surrogate mother for another woman.

6. Background screening: Our coordinator will initiate a criminal background check of the surrogate mother and her family to ensure that there would be no issues in the surrogacy process.

7. Psychological evaluation: Our coordinator will assist you with the best psychological expert who will ensure that you fully understand the emotional effect of surrogacy and will able to accept all the challenges throughout the surrogacy procedure.

What type of medical check-up is required for Surrogate Mother Hires in India?

Few medical check-ups will be done to ensure a successful pregnancy. These are:

  1. Medical screening: As it is a part of the screening, however, at this stage when we hired a surrogate mother the fertility experts will do double medical screening that includes some laboratory testing. The surrogate mother will be screened for infectious disease, sexually transmitted diseases, also screened for infection, viruses, etc. which can affect her fertility. An ultrasound scan will also be done to check the status of her uterus as well as her husband will also be examined for sexually transmitted disease and drug usage.

  1. Legal contract: The Surrogate Mother Hires in India and the intended parents both need to sign a contract before entering into the surrogacy process. The agreement says that the surrogate mother will hand-over the baby to his/her intended parents without any issues. On the other hand, the intended parents are ready to take all the responsibilities of the surrogate mother such as compensation, food, accommodation, travel, possible risk of the procedure, etc. till the baby is born. Also, the intended parents need to file a petition in court on the 3rd day of the baby born claiming that the birth certificate is in the name of the intended parents and both the parties will not contact each other in the future.

  1. Treating fertility: Before we proceed fertility medications, there is a contract that needs to be signed by both parties to run the surrogacy process smoothly. Once all legal procedures are completed, the fertility expert will prepare a surrogate pregnancy by giving fertility injections, blood tests, ultrasound scans, etc. throughout the process of embryo transfer. Also, they will put the surrogate mother on several medications such as birth control pills, Lupron, and other hormonal medications, which will help in regulating the surrogate mother’s monthly cycle and will prepare her for the IVF process.

  1. Embryo transfer: The eggs of the intended mother or donor eggs will be fertilized with the sperm of the intended father or sperm donor in an IVF lab. Once the embryo is created it will be implanted into the uterus of the surrogate mother. This is one of the fastest and painless procedures and it does not require any anesthesia. The surrogate mother needs to stay at the fertility clinic for a few hours and then will be recommended to take proper rest for a few days after embryo transfer.

  1. Prenatal care: After embryo transfer, the surrogate mother needs to visit an Indian surrogate mother's clinic for regular blood tests and ultrasound scans. Once the fertility expert hears the heartbeat of the fetal and confirms the pregnancy is perfect then the surrogate mother will be released from our clinic and handed-over to her obstetrician. The surrogate mother will continue to receive our services as we are a liaison between the surrogate mother and the intended parents, though her check-ups will be more frequent to ensure a healthy pregnancy. 

Throughout the surrogacy procedure, the surrogate mother and the intended parents are connected and if the intended parents wish to be with the surrogate mother during her clinic visits they are most welcomed as they can also experience the journey of pregnancy.

  1. Pregnancy: This is the last step of the procedure which is very exciting as this is a time for the surrogate mother to deliver a baby. Here, all the struggles of the intended parents come to an end as they have waited for a long period to hold the baby in their arms. This is the most emotional part of the entire surrogacy journey for the intended parents and as your fertility clinic; we do our best to make this moment a memorable moment for the intended parents. We will always be there to ensure that you do not face any issues from our medical staff and you leave the hospital happily by carrying your baby.

Anyone who needs a surrogate mother to complete their family we are happy to assist them to call us on 9899293903.


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