
Showing posts from February, 2021

How does Surrogate Mother Hire in India?

There are various steps based on that of the Surrogate Mother Hires in India . These are: 1. Screening: The Surrogate Mother Hires in India need to undergo the screening part that contains the following: She should be between the ages of 21 to 40 years. Her body mass index (BMI) should not be more than 30. At least she has given birth to one healthy child. She does not consume any alcohol, smoke, or tobacco. Have no history of previous miscarriages. No criminal background. Should be financially stable. 2. Application Form: In the application form we ask the surrogate mother to fill in her basic information such as her qualification, employment, family history, height, weight, complexion, etc. 3. Medical history: Before the Surrogate Mother Hires in India we do a proper medical check-up that includes some blood tests, ultrasound scans, etc. to ensure the safety of the baby carried by her. Also, we ask the surrogate mothers to submit detailed medical information about their family to...

Gestational Vs traditional – which option is more viable?

  Gestational Vs traditional – which option is more viable? As we all know, infertility issues are raising day by day due to environmental and lifestyle changes which are continuously affecting an individual life. Infertility issues can be easily solved with the help of ART procedures by intended couples to solve their problems and getting pregnant or by getting an alternative solution for their pregnancy like surrogacy. Surrogacy has become the best and final option by intended couples to achieve parenthood. The first thing that comes to the mind of an intended couple is what is surrogacy? And which surrogacy is more viable gestational or traditional? Let’s gather more information about surrogacy treatment in India. You will get to know about the brief of surrogacy along with its types, gestational Vs traditional surrogacy, how surrogacy has become an ideal option for those intended couples who are trying for pregnancy for a very long period and are unable to get pregnant by tryi...

What is the negative beta process HCG in India?

If a women's HCG level is less than 5 mIU/ml is considered as a negative beta process HCG in India , whereas anything above 25 mIU/ml is considered as a positive beta process for pregnancy. If women's HCG level is between 6 and 24 mIU/ml then the fertility experts will consider it as a grey signal and ask a woman to retest her HCG levels to have a confirmed pregnancy. A negative beta HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in India means that the woman is not pregnant, however, if the test was done too early in the pregnancy before the woman's body has time to produce enough HCG in such cases also you will see negative beta HCG. The reason is that the HCG levels change too frequently in early pregnancy and it is recommended to repeat the HCG blood test within 48 to 72 hours as this helps in identifying the change in hormone level. What does the term beta HCG mean? Beta HCG is done for pregnancy testing that involves the detection of HCG in the blood or urine. Both urine and blo...

What is the cost of a surrogate mother in Chennai?

surrogate mother in Chennai Surrogacy is a unique and beautiful journey, where a surrogate mother plays a very important role during the entire process.  Surrogacy treatment is the advanced methodology of ART procedure and is considered as the final option to solve infertility issues. In a process of surrogacy, a surrogate mother carries a baby in her uterus for 9 months and handover the baby to the intended couple after the delivery.  The surrogate mother is also known as the gestational carrier.  Surrogacy procedures are emotionally, medically, legally and financially complex, hence it is recommended to the intended couples to undergo surrogacy to gather all necessary information including family medical history.  Why is surrogacy recommended in Chennai? The woman who is having a history of recurrent miscarriages Women who are facing uterine issues  Women who have a history of hysterectomy surgery which involves the removal of the uterus or other reproductive...